Thursday, August 28, 2008

Arrived in Ramallah

And I have arrived! I'm in this lovely dormitory on the outside of Ramallah. Upstairs (where I am) is the guesthouse/dormitory area and downstairs is used for conferences etc.. It is quite beautiful.

There is wireless internet here, though it does not work in my room so I need to come out into the common areas to connect.

Feeling quite exhausted, I think that now I'm here I'm realising how tired I am. The girl I will be sharing my room with is not yet here. The people I have met so far are all very kind. I'm sure I will enjoy it here once I have steadied myself in this new environment - and caught up on sleep!

The trip from Tel Aviv to Ramallah was quite smooth. It's the stangest experience passing from Israeli to Palestinian society in such a small area. The two don't seem to intermingle much, but in Jerusalem Old City they cross paths. Slowly I could stop saying 'shalom' to people and start saying 'assalaam alaykum', which was good for me becuase I have a very small amount of Arabic knowledge, versus no Hebrew knowledge, so I could conduct myself a bit better. I think I was on auto-pilot for most of the trip, just one step at a time: take that bus, find that van, take that taxi etc...

I'll now go and do my first shopping experience, need to buy soap etc. Look forward to a lazy day and hopefully a proper sleep! Jet lag still hasn't left me.

Once I settle in a bit more I'll be able to dedicate more energy to this blog.

All the best

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